2018年6月1日 星期五

[FUN WITH READING 2018-20218A] The Witches of Pendle

20218王鈞威 (WANG,CHUN-WEI)
TITLE OF THE BOOK: The Witches of Pendle
YEAR: 1994
ISBN: 978-0-19-478924-0
The Witches of Pendle
This story was in 1634 about a witch family and a normal person in this family. It told us why Jennet was in the prison.
In the prison, a girl started to talk about her childhood. Her name was Jennet. She lived in a poor family. One day, an accident made everyone know all her family were witches, except for her. So, she told the truth to the judge, Roger Nowell, who was a rich and important figure in her hometown to judge this case. At last,however, the family was caught and killed. Then she lived with Roger Nowell, having a good time to live with him. But when the judge was dead, a child told a lie to the villagers to make them think Jennet was a witch. At last, she was caught in prison.
I think this story is a very sad story. Jennet told the truth and it made her get away from her family, and she was caught in prison by a lie. People sometimes can’t tell truth and lies apart. So if you need to make a decision, go with more proof to prove it, or you will be in trouble.

