2019年5月2日 星期四

[廷歌音越](5)Trúc Nhân - Lớn Rồi Còn Khóc Nhè


越語最喜歡歌手竹人Trúc Nhân,之前對唱情歌四字言Bốn Chữ Lắm,MV新奇有趣;OST新主打—Ngồi Hát Đỡ Buồn坐唱解憂;如今配合母親節打出新單曲Lớn Rồi Còn Khóc Nhè長大還哭!歌曲以媽媽新辦臉書為開頭,一開始很生氣回說在忙掛掉電話,結果卻是滑看媽媽上傳臉書照片,開始回憶與媽媽從小到大的成長過程,到最後痛哭流涕打電話給媽媽。

Ngày thơ bé có cánh đồng, trưa nắng bên bờ sông
Ngày tôi chưa biết vâng lời, chỉ biết chơi và cười
Lời mẹ nói không nghe cho rằng luôn khắt khe
Mẹ nói “Con trai đừng khóc nhè!"

Ngu ngơ chạy theo đám bạn tôi đàn ca
Ấy thế mà khiếu văn nghệ nhất nhà
Bạn bè cố bao che câu nào cũng dễ nghe
Nó nói hay hơn lời của Mẹ

Tôi ôm đàn và hát
Đi xa cùng Bè bạn
Ước mơ con là vòng quanh thế gian
Tôi vô tình là thế
Hay quên gọi về Mẹ
Ước mơ của mẹ là thấy con về

Rồi tôi xơ xác đi nhiều khi mới quen người yêu
Thời tôi mới biết đi làm, em cứ hay càm ràm
Người yêu nói tôi nghe tuy lời hơi khó nghe
Em nói hay hơn lời của Mẹ 

Thấm thoát lại thấy tôi chẳng thiếu điều chi
Lắm lúc lại thấy tôi chẳng có gì
Phải chăng lớn khôn hơn hay càng ngu ngốc hơn?
Tôi muốn nghe thêm lời của Mẹ

Giờ tôi nhớ những cánh đồng, trưa nắng bên bờ sông
Giờ tôi mới biết vâng lời, yêu lắm khi Mẹ cười
Giờ tôi muốn lắng nghe, cho dù lời khắt khe
Không biết bao lâu còn có Mẹ

Ngày thơ bé ngu ngơ ai chẳng hay khóc nhè
Nay lớn cớ sao lại khóc nhè...

哈樂字  Những Lời Của Bài Hát
1. bạn 朋友[伴]
2. ước mơ 夢想
3. khắt khe 嚴格[苛刻]

越法趣 Ngữ Pháp Của Bài Hát
cho rằng 認為
1. Tôi cho rằng Anh Đình là thầy giáo đẹp trai nhất ở trường học của tôi. 我認為廷哥是我們學校最帥的老師。
2. Tôi cho rằng ai cũng biết trường học của tôi rất có tiếng . 我覺得大家都知道我們學校頗有名氣的。
3. Tôi cho rằng món ăn Việt Nam rất ngon nhất. 我覺得越南菜最好吃。

p.s. []方框為似音,若有底線則為原本越語漢字。
p.s. 本歌詞翻譯感謝洪郁婷老師提供修改建議指導。

2018年9月30日 星期日

[EPBL] A Quick Guide to Ecocritical Perspectives

A Quick Guide to Ecocritical Perspectives (Full Version): https://goo.gl/vLkbjp 

How can an English course integrating ecocriticism be practiced in high school?

This course is designed to integrate with a set of school-based curriculum in National Experimental High School at Central Taiwan Science Park. The class is intended to invite students who are interested in observing environmental changes around their neighborhoods, reading contemporary Taiwanese nature writings, and critiquing various landscapes of nature and humanity in Taiwan. 
Each of students will be guided to learn the major theories in the field of ecocriticism with the nature writings of contemporary Taiwanese writers. Students will gain basic understandings of historic backgrounds of Anthropocene, environmental imaginations of nature, settler ecocriticism, landscapes of feralities, and environmental sentimentalism. The ecocritical theories are made easy with examples selected from environmental issues in Taiwan and abroad. Moreover, students will be instructed to read the Taiwanese nature writings and examine the texts with the ecocritical perspectives. The nature writings are selected to help students understand what the relationship between nature and literature indicates and revisit the landscapes of Taiwan literature in the contemporary Chinese writings. 
Following the ecocritical perspectives, students are led to observe the changing landscapes of their neighborhoods with a focus on the development of Taichung Science Park, a newly-built industrial park nearby their campus. They are guided to examine how the introduction of new industries and facilities would change the environment and how the locals have responded to the changes. Besides, they are also taught to think twice what nature means to them and what it really is. In the end of the course, students are required to present a report in a preferred format (a blog, a webpage, a digital portfolio or a video clip). Their projects will be uploaded to an interactive platform, which allows those who are interested in ecocritical perspectives and localogical studies to access what students in high school think about nature and how they respond to environmental changes in Taiwan. For the project, they can choose one of the nature writers in Taiwan and introduce the figure to the classmates. They can also find a nature text or a local landscape and examine the discourse of nature in relation to humans. Following the final presentation on their project, they have to make a column to introduce their work and compile a tabloid to promote their project.
Through the course, students will be guided to think about the environmental issues ecocritically and examine the nature texts independently. With the ecocritical perspectives in a critical mind, they are expected to expand their cosmopolitan attitude toward nature and rethink the position of humans in relation to nature. When engaging themselves in the environment, they become a freelancer, traveling between the boundary of nature and humans and transcending the border between humans and nonhumans.

2018年7月21日 星期六

[EPBL] A Quick Glimpse of Vietnam's History & Culture

A Quick Glimpse of Vietnam's History and Culture (Full Version): https://goo.gl/rPvAdq 


This course was designed to integrate a set of school-based curriculum in National Experimental High School at Central Taiwan Science Park. The class was intended to invite students interested in observing historical changes under the context of globalization and examining historical texts with a critical mind. Besides, this class also attempted to help students gain a better understanding of Southeast Asia and establish a connection with their life in the present and in the future. In this course, each of the students played the role of a historian and role-played their participation in a short essay on issues related to Southeast Asia’s history. To achieve the learning goals, they had to learn the historical development of Southeast Asia, elements of a historical argument, and procedures of the Big6TM. With the knowledge in mind and skills on hand, they illustrated issues about historical changes of Southeast Asia with their personal viewpoints, consisting of historical arguments without information problems.

Languages and cultures of Southeast Asia played a part in our daily life with the population of immigrants from Southeast Asia increasing in the recent two decades. Following the New Southbound Policy and the new Curriculum Guidelines, our school also made Vietnamese language learning available to our 10th graders. However, their knowledge of Southeast Asia was limited. The insufficiency of their background information resulted from the design of their history curriculum, in which the history of Southeast Asia was barely touched and discussed. In fact, even to those students taking Vietnamese as their second foreign language, they had a limited understanding of Southeast Asia for being bombarded with learning a new language within insufficient teaching hours (one hour per week on average). Most importantly, most of the students were indifferent to issues in Southeast Asia for their ignorance and misunderstanding of the world. As a result, the course attempted to help them gain a better understanding of Southeast Asia through the process of learning how to write a historical argument and solve an information problem. In the course, they were asked to observe the historical development of Southeast Asia and stated their viewpoints on historical changes related to Southeast Asia. Through the process, they had to identify their information problem and solve the problem by means of the Big6TM to clarify relevant issues and find solid evidence.

Through the course, students were guided to think about the historical development of Southeast Asia critically and examine the historical texts independently. With the knowledge of being a critical historian of multicultural perspectives, they were expected to expand their cosmopolitan attitude toward the world and rethink the position on Taiwan in relation to Southeast Asia. In the language curriculum, they would be able to connect the language with the real context in their life. In the history curriculum, they would be able to think how their knowledge of history had been constructed and rethink whether such construction was valid and solid for them to understand the world in a cosmopolitan aspect. What’s more, when addressing multicultural issues in Taiwan or abroad, students could use a new spectacle to critique all the cultural phenomena with an open mind or a new historical construct. Most importantly, when engaging themselves in the sphere of Asia, they would become a freelancer, traveling between the boundaries of multiple cultures and transcending the regional borders of Asian nations.

2018年6月15日 星期五

[FUN WITH READING 2018-20210B] Good Mind, Good Find

20210張翔喻 (CHANG, HSIANG-YU)
NAME OF THE AUTHOR: Mark Foster & Phillip Burrows
ISBN: 9780194234245
Good Mind, Good Find
Orca was about a group of people who were bored and wanted some new excitement, so they went on a trip to go around the world, while they were doing something incredible which happened,  an orca saved Tonya’s life. This sounded like a miracle but this was what the story was about and I’m very interested in it because I had a great interest in whales. This story was written on the bright side that creatures were assumed to be friendly and kind.
At the beginning, there were four friends whose life was lack of excitement. In the beginning, there were Jack, Max, Tonya and Sasha. One day when they were hanging around, Jack suddenly came up with the crazy idea and he said, “Let’s go sail around the world.” Others were shocked at first; however, they were so bored that they didn’t want to let go any chance to feel excited. So soon afterwards, they set sail for the world. While they were traveling, they accidently bumped into an illegal whale hunting situation with a sense of justice and empathy. Jack jumped into the sea to save the baby orca which was caught by the net. Even though the fishman hated them afterwards, they still felt proud of themselves. Then they carried on their trip but all of a sudden, it started raining and the rain became heavier and heavier. The boat started to shake while the wave got bigger and bigger. Then Tonya abruptly fell over the boat their friend searched for a long time but they didn’t find her so they decided to go back to the shore to call for help. On the other hand, Tonya found a log somewhere in the water and started floating. When she was almost dead, a miracle happened. The baby orca they saved appeared in front of her and started to drag Tonya to the shore. She was amazed by what the orca was doing and showed gratitude for its help. Soon after Tonya was dragged to the beach, Jack found her.
This story might want to tell us that “good mind, good find.” Sometimes helping other is a kind of way to help yourself. This doesn’t mean that you have to ask for rewards when you do something good for others. Your pay will come to you in the course of time. So next time, if you have opportunities to help someone, just do it.

[FUN WITH READING 2018-20210A] A Romantic Meeting

20210張翔喻 (CHANG, HSIANG-YU)
NAME OF THE AUTHOR: Christine Lindop
ISBN: 9780194234344
A Romantic Meeting
We can easily guess that the story is about love from the cover which is full of roses. Love sometimes comes without warning. This is a story full of romantic scenes and touching moments. This is a story about a boy and girl falling in love because of coincidence.
In the beginning, they were both strangers. One day when Anna was waiting for her friend Vicki to drive her to school, all of a sudden, she saw a man walking to her with a bunch of roses. A thought flashed through her mind, “He looks nice.” Meanwhile, the boy which she was looking at whose name is Will saw her, too. A thought flashed through his mind “what a beautiful girl.” he thought. Then he smiled at her. Anna’s face turned pink. Just when Anna was thinking what to do, Vicki arrived. After the romantic meeting, Anna was absent-minded every day. She was wondering what the man was doing with the bunch of roses, “Is it for his girlfriend?”. And on the other hand, she also wondered who the girl was. He asked his grandmother, who he gave the roses to, “Is there a girl with golden hair playing the guitar?” His grandmother paused for a while and said no. Then in the following days, they didn’t see each other until one day Anna went out to eat dinner with her friend, Tom. When they were about to head home, it suddenly rained cats and dogs; meanwhile Will was getting in his car which was parked in front of the restaurant the Anna and Tom went in. He saw his friend Tom and asked him if he went a ride. Tom thanked him and asked if Anna could take a ride, too. Will generously agreed. At the time, he didn’t recognize Anna because she was wearing a hat that covered her whole face. Then they hopped on Will’s car and headed home in the big rain. When Will heard that Anna’s home was Grandview Apartment, he started to wonder if she was the girl that he had been thinking recently. Same as him, Anna was wondering, “Will he be the man carrying the roses?” After a while, they arrived at the apartment, they got out of the car, and then they began to talk at the same time. They got shocked that he and she were the two persons. In conclusion, they got together. After that day, Anna’s balcony was full of red roses.
Love comes in an accident. They didn’t tend to fall in love but love crashed into them by accident. So, don’t be sad that love doesn’t come. Just wait for it and it will come someday.

2018年6月11日 星期一

[FUN WITH READING 2018-20240B] Mystery in London

20240顏玉傑 (Yan, Yu-Jie)
TITLE OF THE BOOK: Mystery in London
ISBN: 9780194234283
Mystery in London
The subject of the story is about me, looking for clues about the murderer of hurting girls myself by following cues  in London in the year of 1898 for finding out the murderer. With the information above, we can surmise that the author may like suspenseful novels. For readers who enjoy the fun of cracking cases themselves, the author writes this book and wants to share with everyone. The content of the story shows it is subjective and optimistic because the clues which the reader follows have been set by the author although there are many choices we can choose and develop, and the story finishes clearly.
In this book, I act Mycroft Pound, the famous detective. In one cold November evening, a London police knocked my door and asked for my help. There was a woman bleeding on the street. The police thought that it was the Whitechapel Killer again who had already killed six women with a long knife. I arrived in Whitechapel. The woman was lying on the street. She was very ill, so she couldn't talk to me. For clues, I asked people in the Rose and Crown nearby, asking her best friend, and finding a letter in her house. Finally, I got a piece of news of his boyfriend that Jack might be the killer. I quickly went to the London docks, and looked for the ship called California. Jack was really  there. In his pocket, there was a knife with blood on it which showed that he was the killer. The captain helped me and arrested him. I took him off the ship and gave him to the police.
The story is interesting, and the killer is so stupid.