You get a case from a local company, Tatung Corporation. The manager in the company wants you to design a poster for selling a robot. You have to draw a picture based on your imagination and make five sentences to introduce the chores your robot can do. You are required to use 5 words from the Words for Production, Words for Recognition, or Word Power in Lesson 4. The more words you use in the introduction, the higher grade you will get.
Now, please form a group with three persons. The blank is for you to draft your robot. You have to draw the one you are going to present to the company on another piece of paper (B4). Besides, you have to assign one person in your group to present the robot to the class.

1. 臺灣大安高工王__艾老師
2. 臺灣師大英語施勇廷老師
回覆刪除哈哈 超酷的
我準備要教到A world on the plate
(限定兩個國的料理食材 還是不要限定阿?)
然後報告阿? 還是就作業就好??
建議1. 跟家政老師合科教學吧,拍照外加instructional writing,教導同學如何做菜,有圖、實作比較有趣。(理想教案,僅屬建議,慎思執行,以免挨告)
回覆刪除建議2. 融合閱讀教學,提供學生英文食譜,使其猜出究竟是何道菜。(應該比較簡單、有趣)
建議3. 融合寫作教學 (1)introductory writing 介紹一道可代表一個國家的料理,敘述並且說明緣由 (2) sharing writing 描述難忘美食經驗 (3) instructional writing 撰寫食譜 (對於職校學生寫作非常困難,需要由簡入繁,謹慎執行)
建議4. 配合寫作,口頭發表,練習口說 (職校學生極大恐懼口說,remember to lower their anxiety and establish their confidence!)