arise / bring about / cause / contribute to / give rise to / lead to / result in
e.g. The food shortage in Africa leads to the severe starvation.
2. 由於、因為
result from
e.g. The severe starvation results from the food shortage.
because of / due to / owing to
e.g. Because of the food shortage in Africa, the African suffer from the severe starvation.
3. 由於、幸虧
thanks to
e.g. Thanks to his help, I got a full score.
1. 臺灣鳳山高中施勇廷老師
2009年12月5日 星期六
(多少)Word Power: many/much vs. few/little
1. For countable nouns:
many = a large/great number of = a great/good many
e.g. There are a large number of visitors coming to Taiwan each year.
2. For uncountable nouns
much = a large/great amount of = a good/great deal of
e.g. There is a small amount of population living in this small country.
3. For both of them
a lot of = lots of = plenty of
1. few vs. little
e.g. I only have few apples and little bread.
2. a few vs. a little (some)
e.g. I still have a few apples and a little bread.
3. a small number of vs. a small amount of
e.g. After the typoon struck the village, there were only a small number of houses and a small amount of food left.
1. 臺灣鳳山高中施勇廷老師
1. For countable nouns:
many = a large/great number of = a great/good many
e.g. There are a large number of visitors coming to Taiwan each year.
2. For uncountable nouns
much = a large/great amount of = a good/great deal of
e.g. There is a small amount of population living in this small country.
3. For both of them
a lot of = lots of = plenty of
1. few vs. little
e.g. I only have few apples and little bread.
2. a few vs. a little (some)
e.g. I still have a few apples and a little bread.
3. a small number of vs. a small amount of
e.g. After the typoon struck the village, there were only a small number of houses and a small amount of food left.
1. 臺灣鳳山高中施勇廷老師
2009年11月28日 星期六
English Activity: Globalization and Localization
Here are some students' works from the activity.
After watching two video clips on the issues of globalization and localization, what comes to your mind when you think of the issues? Please discuss the questions below with your group members and present your ideas in your own ways.
1. What is globalization?
2. What is localization?
3. How do they interact with each other?
After watching two video clips on the issues of globalization and localization, what comes to your mind when you think of the issues? Please discuss the questions below with your group members and present your ideas in your own ways.
1. What is globalization?
2. What is localization?
3. How do they interact with each other?
1. 臺灣鳳山高中施勇廷老師
2009年11月22日 星期日
English Activity: Robot Design Posters
Here are some students' works from the activity.
You get a case from a local company, Tatung Corporation. The manager in the company wants you to design a poster for selling a robot. You have to draw a picture based on your imagination and make five sentences to introduce the chores your robot can do. You are required to use 5 words from the Words for Production, Words for Recognition, or Word Power in Lesson 4. The more words you use in the introduction, the higher grade you will get.
Now, please form a group with three persons. The blank is for you to draft your robot. You have to draw the one you are going to present to the company on another piece of paper (B4). Besides, you have to assign one person in your group to present the robot to the class.

1. 臺灣大安高工王__艾老師
2. 臺灣師大英語施勇廷老師
You get a case from a local company, Tatung Corporation. The manager in the company wants you to design a poster for selling a robot. You have to draw a picture based on your imagination and make five sentences to introduce the chores your robot can do. You are required to use 5 words from the Words for Production, Words for Recognition, or Word Power in Lesson 4. The more words you use in the introduction, the higher grade you will get.
Now, please form a group with three persons. The blank is for you to draft your robot. You have to draw the one you are going to present to the company on another piece of paper (B4). Besides, you have to assign one person in your group to present the robot to the class.

1. 臺灣大安高工王__艾老師
2. 臺灣師大英語施勇廷老師
English Activity: Mythology Comic Strips
Here are some students' works from the activity.
After reading the story of Pandora's Box, is there any story of mythology coming to your mind? Now, please form a group with three persons and make a comic strip! This paper is for you to brainstorm and draft your story. Later, you have to make a comic strip on six pieces of paper (A4).
1. Draw a picture on each piece of paper with a simple monologue, dialogue, or conversation.
2. Write a brief description at the bottom of each paper if necessary with three sentences at most.
3. Required to use the sentence pattern and recommended to use the vocabulary items in this lesson.

1. 臺灣大安高工王__艾老師
2. 臺灣師大英語施勇廷老師
After reading the story of Pandora's Box, is there any story of mythology coming to your mind? Now, please form a group with three persons and make a comic strip! This paper is for you to brainstorm and draft your story. Later, you have to make a comic strip on six pieces of paper (A4).
1. Draw a picture on each piece of paper with a simple monologue, dialogue, or conversation.
2. Write a brief description at the bottom of each paper if necessary with three sentences at most.
3. Required to use the sentence pattern and recommended to use the vocabulary items in this lesson.

1. 臺灣大安高工王__艾老師
2. 臺灣師大英語施勇廷老師
(假設語氣)The Subjunctive Mood: if / wish
假設語氣 If 用法
1. 與現在事實相反 If + S + V-ed/were..., S would V....
If I knew her number, I would phone her.
If I were a bird, I would fly to her house.
2. 與過去事實相反 If + S + had V-en/been..., S would have V-en....
If I had asked for her phone number, I would have asked her out.
If I had been more active, I would have gone on a date with her.
1. ( ) If John __________ a girl, he would be a super model.
(A) is (B) am (C) was (D) were
2. ( ) If the Japanese __________ Taiwan, what would have happened?
(A) didn't occupy (B) doesn't occupy (C) hasn't occupied (D) hadn't occupied
假設語氣 Wish 用法
1. 與現在事實相反: S wish S + V-ed/were....
I wish I knew her number.
I wish I were a bird.
2. 與過去事實相反: S wish S + had V-en/been....
I wish I had asked for her phone number at the party.
I wish I had been more active.
1. I wish my father ________(be) Bill Gates. However, it would never be true.
2. I wish our government _________(rescue) the victims earlier.
假設感嘆 How 用法
1. 與現在事實相反: How S wish S + V-ed/were...!
How I wish I knew her number!
How I wish I were a bird!
2. 與過去事實相反: How S wish S + had V-en/been...!
How I wish I had asked for her phone number!
How I wish I had been more active!
Exercise: Please write a sentence for each situation beginning with How.
1. It is going to rain, but I don't have an umbrella with me.
2. The typhoon struck Taiwan with heavy rain, so it caused severe damage.
1. 臺灣鳳山高中施勇廷老師
1. 與現在事實相反 If + S + V-ed/were..., S would V....
If I knew her number, I would phone her.
If I were a bird, I would fly to her house.
2. 與過去事實相反 If + S + had V-en/been..., S would have V-en....
If I had asked for her phone number, I would have asked her out.
If I had been more active, I would have gone on a date with her.
1. ( ) If John __________ a girl, he would be a super model.
(A) is (B) am (C) was (D) were
2. ( ) If the Japanese __________ Taiwan, what would have happened?
(A) didn't occupy (B) doesn't occupy (C) hasn't occupied (D) hadn't occupied
假設語氣 Wish 用法
1. 與現在事實相反: S wish S + V-ed/were....
I wish I knew her number.
I wish I were a bird.
2. 與過去事實相反: S wish S + had V-en/been....
I wish I had asked for her phone number at the party.
I wish I had been more active.
1. I wish my father ________(be) Bill Gates. However, it would never be true.
2. I wish our government _________(rescue) the victims earlier.
假設感嘆 How 用法
1. 與現在事實相反: How S wish S + V-ed/were...!
How I wish I knew her number!
How I wish I were a bird!
2. 與過去事實相反: How S wish S + had V-en/been...!
How I wish I had asked for her phone number!
How I wish I had been more active!
Exercise: Please write a sentence for each situation beginning with How.
1. It is going to rain, but I don't have an umbrella with me.
2. The typhoon struck Taiwan with heavy rain, so it caused severe damage.
1. 臺灣鳳山高中施勇廷老師
(很有可能)Sentence Pattern: be likely to...
S. / It be likely to do sth. / that S. + V....
e.g. Our school team is likely to win the game.
e.g. It is likely that our school team will win the game.
It be possible / probable to do sth. / that S. + V....
e.g. It is possile for our school team to win the game.
e.g. It is possile that our school team will win the game.
1. 中國人大附中朱京力老師
2. 臺灣鳳山高中施勇廷老師
S. / It be likely to do sth. / that S. + V....
e.g. Our school team is likely to win the game.
e.g. It is likely that our school team will win the game.
It be possible / probable to do sth. / that S. + V....
e.g. It is possile for our school team to win the game.
e.g. It is possile that our school team will win the game.
1. 中國人大附中朱京力老師
2. 臺灣鳳山高中施勇廷老師
(事情)Word Power: thing
1. affair 事務: a situation being dealt with or considered (usu. pl. affairs)
e.g. Can you go to the office of student affairs for me?
2. accident 意外: something (bad) which happens unexpectedly
e.g. I found the secret by accident.
3. business 職責: the things you do
e.g. It's none of your business.
4. case 情形: a particular situation or example
e.g. There's no coffee left? In that case I'll have tea.
5. event 事件: something important or unusual happens
e.g. The World Games 2009 was the biggest event in Taiwan.
6. incident 事變: an event which is either unpleasant or unusual
e.g. The 228 Incident still has its influence in the politics.
7. issue 議題: a subject or problem people are talking about
e.g. Don't worry! It's just a side issue, not the main problem.
8. matter 事情: a situation being dealt with or being discussed
e.g. Her resignation is not going to help matters.
9. problem 問題: a situation that needs attention and needs to be handled
e.g. Do you know how to solve the problem?
10. thing 事物: used to refer to the general situation
e.g. Things have been going very well recently.
1. 中國人大附中朱京力老師
2. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
e.g. Can you go to the office of student affairs for me?
2. accident 意外: something (bad) which happens unexpectedly
e.g. I found the secret by accident.
3. business 職責: the things you do
e.g. It's none of your business.
4. case 情形: a particular situation or example
e.g. There's no coffee left? In that case I'll have tea.
5. event 事件: something important or unusual happens
e.g. The World Games 2009 was the biggest event in Taiwan.
6. incident 事變: an event which is either unpleasant or unusual
e.g. The 228 Incident still has its influence in the politics.
7. issue 議題: a subject or problem people are talking about
e.g. Don't worry! It's just a side issue, not the main problem.
8. matter 事情: a situation being dealt with or being discussed
e.g. Her resignation is not going to help matters.
9. problem 問題: a situation that needs attention and needs to be handled
e.g. Do you know how to solve the problem?
10. thing 事物: used to refer to the general situation
e.g. Things have been going very well recently.
1. 中國人大附中朱京力老師
2. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
(然而雖然)Sentence Pattern: although
1. although/though/while
e.g. Althoguh it rained heavily outside, they still went out.
2. despite/in spite of + N./Ving
e.g. Despite the heavy rain, they still went out.
e.g. In spite of the heavy rain, they still went out.
3. N./Adj./Adv. as S. V....
e.g. Man as he is, he is quite feminine.
(p.s. no article before the noun 名詞前方不加冠詞)
1. 臺灣鳳山高中陳素娟老師
2. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
e.g. Althoguh it rained heavily outside, they still went out.
2. despite/in spite of + N./Ving
e.g. Despite the heavy rain, they still went out.
e.g. In spite of the heavy rain, they still went out.
3. N./Adj./Adv. as S. V....
e.g. Man as he is, he is quite feminine.
(p.s. no article before the noun 名詞前方不加冠詞)
1. 臺灣鳳山高中陳素娟老師
2. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
(強調)Word Power: emphasize
1. A emphasize/stress B
e.g. The environmentalists emphasize the importance of recycling.
2. A put/lay/place emphasis/highlight/stress on B
e.g. The environmentalists put emphasis on the importance of recycling.
1. 臺灣鳳山高中吳姿瑩老師
2. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
e.g. The environmentalists emphasize the importance of recycling.
2. A put/lay/place emphasis/highlight/stress on B
e.g. The environmentalists put emphasis on the importance of recycling.
1. 臺灣鳳山高中吳姿瑩老師
2. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
(影響)Word Power: influence
1. A affect/impact/influence B
e.g. SARS influenced the tourism.
2. A have an effect/impact/influence on B
e.g. SARS had an influence on the toursim.
3. A impact on B
e.g. SARS impacted on the tourism.
1. 臺灣鳳山高中施勇廷老師
2. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
e.g. SARS influenced the tourism.
2. A have an effect/impact/influence on B
e.g. SARS had an influence on the toursim.
3. A impact on B
e.g. SARS impacted on the tourism.
1. 臺灣鳳山高中施勇廷老師
2. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
(留有)Word Power: -tain
-tain: hold, keep
sustain 維持: allow sth. to continue/keep alive
e.g. The soil of this land is rich enough to sustain the large population.
maintain 保持: continue to have/keep in good condition
e.g. Although they live apart, they maintain close links.
attain 達到: reach sth.
e.g. He attained the highest grades in class.
obtain 取得: get
e.g. The Chinese version of the novel is almost possible to obtain now.
contain 容納: hold
e.g. How much water does the bottle contain?
retain 保有: continue to have sth.
e.g. The Qing Empire lost the war to retain the control of Hong Kong.
detain 拘留: force sb. officially to stay in a place
e.g. A suspect has been detained by the police.
1. 臺灣鳳山高中吳姿瑩老師
2. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
sustain 維持: allow sth. to continue/keep alive
e.g. The soil of this land is rich enough to sustain the large population.
maintain 保持: continue to have/keep in good condition
e.g. Although they live apart, they maintain close links.
attain 達到: reach sth.
e.g. He attained the highest grades in class.
obtain 取得: get
e.g. The Chinese version of the novel is almost possible to obtain now.
contain 容納: hold
e.g. How much water does the bottle contain?
retain 保有: continue to have sth.
e.g. The Qing Empire lost the war to retain the control of Hong Kong.
detain 拘留: force sb. officially to stay in a place
e.g. A suspect has been detained by the police.
1. 臺灣鳳山高中吳姿瑩老師
2. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
(副詞子句)Why the present tense in the adverb clause for a future condition?
It is a question raised by a student in Class 216 while a teacher was teaching the concept of the adverb clause. Is there any reason for that? To me, the student was clear-minded and eager to know the reasons for each grammar rule. It is no wonder that he majors in science in high school which requires critical and logical thinking.
e.g. If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.
同學或許會問,為何有tomorrow不是用will V未來式?因為英文時態扮演重要角色,清楚點出事情發生先後順序,這跟中文沒有清楚時態有別。挑定某一時態表示用者清楚知道事件發生時間,從這副詞子句我們可以推敲它在表示某一條件,事情發生與否仍然是未知數,時間不明也非用者表達重點,就用基本的現在式,表示設下的條件等...
1. 現在簡單式代替未來簡單式
e.g. When he comes, we will see him.
2. 現在完成式代替未來完成式
e.g. He will leave here after he has finished the project.
vs. "時間" (清楚知道事件發生與否,不知你是否理出差異呢?)
e.g. Tell me when he will come.
e.g. Do you know when the train will arrive?
e.g. If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.
同學或許會問,為何有tomorrow不是用will V未來式?因為英文時態扮演重要角色,清楚點出事情發生先後順序,這跟中文沒有清楚時態有別。挑定某一時態表示用者清楚知道事件發生時間,從這副詞子句我們可以推敲它在表示某一條件,事情發生與否仍然是未知數,時間不明也非用者表達重點,就用基本的現在式,表示設下的條件等...
1. 現在簡單式代替未來簡單式
e.g. When he comes, we will see him.
2. 現在完成式代替未來完成式
e.g. He will leave here after he has finished the project.
vs. "時間" (清楚知道事件發生與否,不知你是否理出差異呢?)
e.g. Tell me when he will come.
e.g. Do you know when the train will arrive?
Let's Love English Together!
Welcome to Tyng's Teaching Blog!
After striving and struggling for a long time, I finally made up my mind to set up a blog for English teaching. I sincerely hope that this place will be a platform for both teachers and students to discuss and swap the ideas about English teaching, life philosophy,and whole person education. It sounds serious, right? Well, basically, just let's discuss and swap anything we like!
After striving and struggling for a long time, I finally made up my mind to set up a blog for English teaching. I sincerely hope that this place will be a platform for both teachers and students to discuss and swap the ideas about English teaching, life philosophy,and whole person education. It sounds serious, right? Well, basically, just let's discuss and swap anything we like!
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